ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on Wednesday has lodged a strong protest with senior US official after Washington added Pakistan to its blacklist of countries violating religious freedom.
The Foreign office sources said that authorities recorded a strong protest and also handed over documents to the US officials.
“The documents stated that all minorities have religious freedom in Pakistan under the constitution,” Foreign Office told.
Earlier on Tuesday, US State Secretary Mike Pompeo had designated Pakistan among the “countries of particular concern” in a congressionally-mandated annual report, which means that the US government is obliged to exert pressure to end freedom violations.
In response to Mile Pompeo statement Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal rejected the United States declaration about religious freedom in Pakistan as politically motivated, adding that Pakistan does not need counsel by any individual country how to protect the rights of its minorities.
The spokesperson said that besides the clear biases reflected from these designations, there are serious questions on the credentials and impartiality of the self-proclaimed jury involved in this unwarranted exercise.
He said ensuring equal treatment of minorities and their enjoyment of human rights without any discrimination is the cardinal principle of the Constitution of Pakistan.
Special seats have been reserved for minorities in the Parliament to ensure their adequate representation and voice in the legislation process. A vibrant and independent National Commission on Human Rights is functioning to address concerns on violation of the rights of minorities.
Moreover, Pakistan further stated that the authorities have also ignored the behavior with minorities in India-occupied Kashmir (IoK). “How can the US ignore Indian oppression in IoK,” the letter added.
The officials assured Pakistan of conveying its concerns to the US authorities.