School Enrollment Retention Drive 2022-23 was launched by organizing an awareness seminar in Mirpurkhas by RSU and the city’s Education Department at the local hall on Sunday. Chief Program Manager-Reform Support Unit, Dr. Junaid Hameed Samu participated as a special guest and expressed his thoughts about the aims and objectives of the program to motivate teachers’ parents, students and the community to achieve the desired results and objectives for quality education results in Sindh. The concerned officers shared necessary information with the teachers, parents and students and said that the importance of individual focus on enrollment and retention at the community level was very important which will provide in order to achieve maximum positive results, Regional Director of Education Mirpurkhas, Didar Hussain Jalbani, Education Officer-UNICEF. Muhammad Akram Baladi, Director Chandu Rimal, Registrar Mohtab Mirpurkhas Sajjad Ahmed Soomro, all DEOs, TEOs, LSU Coordinator Mirpurkhas Region and Headmasters, teachers and a large number of students participated. The concerned officers shared necessary information with the teachers, parents and students and said that the importance of individual focus on enrollment and retention at the community level was very important which will provide in order to achieve maximum positive results, Regional Director of Education Mirpurkhas, Didar Hussain Jalbani, Education Officer-UNICEF.